Hammerthrowing Articles:


Dutch Articles:

Analize of Yuriy Sedykh's world record
Technique Analize
The way to perform


English Articles:

Analize of Yuriy Sedykh's world record
Analize of Olga Kuzenkova's world record
Characteristics of top performances in the women hammerthrowing
A biomechanical analysis of the individual techniques of the hammer throw finalists in the seville Athletics WC 1999


Photo Series:

Yuriy Sedykh
Sergej Litvinov
Belasz Kiss
Olga Kuzenkova


Hammer Links:

Hammerthrowing UK
The Thrower's Page.
The Ring..
IAAF Hammer page.
Hammerthrowing links.
Alexandros Papadimitriou hammerthrowing page..
Original hammerthrow page.
Karsten Kobs
Throw Farther
Canadian Throwing Page
Welsh hammer coach


Any comments on the page, mail me at atleet@bigfoot.com

posters.throwing.nl hammer.throwing.nl